I asked Rocco Miller, who runs bracketeer.org and contributes to Field of 68, if Mizzou helped itself at all in the SEC tournament. Here's what he said:
"I think Missouri has played their way up to the 7-line of the bracket. I believe the committee was watching Tennessee a little extra carefully because of the Ziegler injury. Due to that they may have also been impressed by the team that beat them again, Missouri. In general, Michigan State lost to Ohio State and that opened up a spot for them to move up as well.
"So, yes they helped themselves in the SEC tourney to a degree. I think they were looked at very closely for the final spots on the seven seed line to start the week as well. If the Tennessee win is factored in, it's pretty clear to put Missouri as a 7."
He thinks there's like a 15% chance they end up as a 6. He had them on the 7/10 line yesterday against Penn State with Texas as the 2 seed. He'll put out one more bracket after the conference tournaments wrap up.