At the risk of pissing off half of the citizens in the U.S., and being told I don’t have a right to have an opinion; if you are a female of child-bearing age, and if “Roe is overturned" in favor of each state passing its own laws, and you do not want under any circumstances to bring a child into the world at this time, you have numerous “choices” available to you, any of which I would strongly endorse if you so desired to exercise one of those “choices”:
- Choose to not socialize with men
- Choose to socialize with men, but only in double-date or group-date settings
- Choose to date men on a one-to-one basis, but let them know on the front end that you’re not interested in a one night stand or an ongoing sexual relationship at this time
- If you choose to date men one-on-one without clarifying on the front end, and if you find yourself being pressured to have sex against your will, use the accepted social moray and accepted point of criminal law to “say no”.
- If you “say no” and are forced to have sex against your will, choose to report it to the police immediately, and they will send you to a hospital that will give you drugs which will temporarily prevent pregnancy from occurring
- Same choice as #5 above if you are a victim of incest
- If you suspect that at some point you may want to choose to say yes, choose get on the pill or other before-the-fact contraceptives
- If you want to say yes, but don’t want to use a before-the-fact contraceptive, choose to carry a condom with you and insist on "saying no" unless he uses it.
- If you are concerned that the condom may have not “worked”, choose to take a “morning after pill”
- Choose to “know your body”, so that if you do become pregnant, you will know at the earliest possible date.
- If you become pregnant, and the father wants you to keep the baby through birth, and you don’t, exercise your choice to pursue an abortion despite his disapproval
- If you can’t afford to get an abortion at an expensive private clinic, choose go to Planned Parenthood; they are paid hundreds of millions of dollars each year by the government to provide free or minimally expensive abortion services
- If you live in a barbaric state which employs a “heartbeat law”, be aware that you are pregnant at the earliest possible date, and choose to have an abortion before there is a heartbeat
- If you can’t get an abortion before there is a heartbeat, or if you live in a state which after this summer disallows any abortions, choose a state with more humane abortion laws (10-20 weeks)
- If you can’t afford to travel to another state, choose an NGO that specializes in transporting pregnant women at minimal or no cost for abortions in other states with more favorable laws
- If you don’t have vacation time and can’t afford to miss work in order to satisfy a state’s “waiting period” restriction on abortions, choose a state that doesn’t have a waiting period and go there on your day off or on a weekend for an abortion
- If you don’t want to bring a child into the world, you have a plethora of choices with which to accomplish that. The only choice that I wouldn’t endorse would be to allow your pregnancy to progress unaborted beyond 20 weeks, and subsequently to get an abortion in a state that allows abortions after 20 weeks. Such a child deserves the right to fight for his/her life, as at least one 21 week baby has succeeded in doing in the U.S. in recent years, and developments in neonatal science will probably make more common in the future.