Since according to Gabe's article we have little or no chance of winning the National Title in anything other than minor sports maybe we should consider the following:
1.Devert the 100 Million for the South Endzone Project to the on Campus Deficits and our Nano-particle project
2. Consider Mike Porter and Drew Lock mercenaries and allow them to enter the Big Leagues and Big Contracts without consternation
3.Take all surplus from the Athletic Department and put it in the University General Fund
4.Stop the Tiger Scholarship Fund from raising money! Really should any of these Athletic Contributions at any of the major universities be considered a tax-deductible donation when Coaches, and Athletic Directors are earning millions of dollars.
5.Consider in reality we are paying glorified PE teachers millions of dollars for their entertainment value and put a cap on salaries.
6.Actually try to educate the student athlete so they have life skills and can have a productive career outside of Athletics
The Fact is that in America due to boredom or self indulgence we have over emphasized Sports!
1.Devert the 100 Million for the South Endzone Project to the on Campus Deficits and our Nano-particle project
2. Consider Mike Porter and Drew Lock mercenaries and allow them to enter the Big Leagues and Big Contracts without consternation
3.Take all surplus from the Athletic Department and put it in the University General Fund
4.Stop the Tiger Scholarship Fund from raising money! Really should any of these Athletic Contributions at any of the major universities be considered a tax-deductible donation when Coaches, and Athletic Directors are earning millions of dollars.
5.Consider in reality we are paying glorified PE teachers millions of dollars for their entertainment value and put a cap on salaries.
6.Actually try to educate the student athlete so they have life skills and can have a productive career outside of Athletics
The Fact is that in America due to boredom or self indulgence we have over emphasized Sports!