Anybody else happy he is our kick returner? I love the fact that we have a guy with a 6th gear out there. And the fact that he has been picking Murphy's brain about disguising the return until the last second is very positive IMO. Murph was a phenomenal KR and so good it likely landed him in the league BUT he did not have AS afterburners. If Sherills can take Murphs advice and then turn on the jets I like our chances in the field position game.
Watching Sherrill's tape it is obvious that he is a freak athletically. Kudos to the kid for overcoming that awful car accident and winning a spot at safety and Kick returner. Easy kid to root for.
Watching Sherrill's tape it is obvious that he is a freak athletically. Kudos to the kid for overcoming that awful car accident and winning a spot at safety and Kick returner. Easy kid to root for.