Here's the deal with us as guys/men. Get your health together. Exercise, change your eating habits. Cut back on smoking and drinking. If you're serious about living, do the crap it takes to extend your life. It's that simple.
Otherwise, you die and friends will cry at your funeral.
I say this as a guy who's been overweight with a bad heart and HB. Death scares the hell out of me and seeing my daughter die at a young age is all I needed to change. Granted, you don't have to be an extremist like me to change but every little adjustment helps. I'd rather you folks be pissed at me for yelling for you to take better care of yourselves, than reading about how you passed away at 50, 60 or 70.
Otherwise, you die and friends will cry at your funeral.
I say this as a guy who's been overweight with a bad heart and HB. Death scares the hell out of me and seeing my daughter die at a young age is all I needed to change. Granted, you don't have to be an extremist like me to change but every little adjustment helps. I'd rather you folks be pissed at me for yelling for you to take better care of yourselves, than reading about how you passed away at 50, 60 or 70.