Interesting timing of the release of this report, the day before the State of the Union. I’m sure it was a coincidence. I wonder if Joe will mention it tonight?
Quotes taken directly from the report listed below:
“It affects poor people more than rich people, but it’s caused by rich people’s emissions.”
“Higher temperatures are linked to increased rates of violence against women and girls.”
“Indigenous communities will suffer disproportionately”
“Human-induced climate change and the war on Ukraine have the same roots: fossil fuels and our dependence on them,”
“The destruction and loss of life is not in the future; it is happening now, today,”
Quotes taken directly from the report listed below:
“It affects poor people more than rich people, but it’s caused by rich people’s emissions.”
“Higher temperatures are linked to increased rates of violence against women and girls.”
“Indigenous communities will suffer disproportionately”
“Human-induced climate change and the war on Ukraine have the same roots: fossil fuels and our dependence on them,”
“The destruction and loss of life is not in the future; it is happening now, today,”