Understanding that I’ll get an obnoxious amount of responses from the PM Dream Team that hasn’t hit the nylon on anything but a pop-a-shot in their lives, I’m curious what those who actually know the game of basketball feel about our Coach. This season has been the antithesis of inspiring, but I’m consistently left wondering if it’s Cuonzo’s fault, or if he’s a victim of circumstance. I understand that you should have the ability to adjust to the tools you’re given - that’s what you’re paid a few million dollars a year for - but what coach in all of CBB has had to deal with season-altering injuries to the best player on their team in 3 consecutive years? We see what it’s done to HOF coach Roy Williams when Cole Anthony went down, so why are we so quick to run Cuonzo out of town? MPJ, Jontay/Smith, Tilmon/Smith. I, for one, believe Cuonzo can and will build a strong program in the coming years. Thoughts?