Though he thought he was slick calling leaks they were going to pay 450,000 to illegal migrant kids and parents..900k ..”garbage” . He admitted 48 hours that is the case in the most phony claim of indignation and anger from this old codger I’ve seen. In addition his administration is going to give each child of illegal immigrants the same 350 $ per month that citizens get in his tax and spend wasteful package. His taking in 2 million immigrants across the southern border in year one. He’s shipping them around the country where citizens pay to educate an influx of immigrant children and medical costs are covered by insured citizens. USA Today, a very liberal paper now haves him in the 30s. How low can he go?
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Biden Job Approval
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Biden Job Approval