Enough with the fake outrage. Most of the democratic congressman and lib media are on the border today, faking outrage over these children. Truth is we have done this before Under Obama and Bush. Illegals broke the law coming here and you can’t hold parents and children together.
Pretend outrage is the lib best weapon to sway public opinion. When I see them on tv crying about the little children’s ripped out of their mothers arms I know it is fake or they would be concerned about younger babies ripped out of their mothers wombs in late term abortions. Funny libtards are only pretend outrage over situations that make trump look bad. Blacks killed every day in Chicago nope. Shit schools in the inner cities, nope. Libs will win the news media cycle for today, this will blow over and next week libs willl pretend to be outraged about something else.
Pretend outrage is the lib best weapon to sway public opinion. When I see them on tv crying about the little children’s ripped out of their mothers arms I know it is fake or they would be concerned about younger babies ripped out of their mothers wombs in late term abortions. Funny libtards are only pretend outrage over situations that make trump look bad. Blacks killed every day in Chicago nope. Shit schools in the inner cities, nope. Libs will win the news media cycle for today, this will blow over and next week libs willl pretend to be outraged about something else.