Lots of Hero's first half.
Braun playing some good minutes, blocking a shot.
Buggs driving in for a score.
Mark hitting some shots, good defense.
Mitch making some plays.
Dru, being Dru.
Kobe, jet sweep, maybe second half, but always around for a rebound.
Tilt, despite getting doubled.
Second half.
Too many threes, even CM got onto Mark for shooting one way too deep.
A win is a win, better than saying a loss is a loss.
The guys turned on the defense first half.
Why o why do we play different the last 5 minutes? Shelley said I sounded like a maniac the last five and asked me if I need glasses because I was standing 12" from a 48" TV.
Braun playing some good minutes, blocking a shot.
Buggs driving in for a score.
Mark hitting some shots, good defense.
Mitch making some plays.
Dru, being Dru.
Kobe, jet sweep, maybe second half, but always around for a rebound.
Tilt, despite getting doubled.
Second half.
Too many threes, even CM got onto Mark for shooting one way too deep.
A win is a win, better than saying a loss is a loss.
The guys turned on the defense first half.
Why o why do we play different the last 5 minutes? Shelley said I sounded like a maniac the last five and asked me if I need glasses because I was standing 12" from a 48" TV.