The Congressional Budget Office released its report after 1 year of Obamacare, reassessing its projections for the next decade. The results are as most right minded people expected when presented the law originally. We were sold a bill of goods that was build on outright lies.
The federal government will spend $2 TRILLION over the next 10 years but only take in $643 billion in new taxes, penalties and fees related to Obamacare.
Good news!! Between 24-27 million fewer Americans will be uninsured.
Bad news!! At a cost of $50,000 per person (at best as this was a low estimate per the CBO)
The law will still leave between 29-31 million non-elderly Americans without medical insurance. Goal achieved, right?? No.
These numbers assume Obamacare's insurance exchanges will DOUBLE enrollment in the next 10 years, which honestly is highly unlikely, making the figures even more deplorable.
President Obama was conveniently in India during the scheduled release of this report. I bet the questions still remain upon his return. We don't know what his answer will be aside from the fact that assuredly it will be a pointed lie.
Here's a funny quip from your boy, Barry. "I will not sign any law that adds even one dime to our deficits, ever, now or in the future! Period!" The way some of you lemmings follow this pied piper is borderline disturbing.
Edit: Fixed video link.
This post was edited on 1/27 10:41 AM by V-P
Full report from the CBO
The federal government will spend $2 TRILLION over the next 10 years but only take in $643 billion in new taxes, penalties and fees related to Obamacare.
Good news!! Between 24-27 million fewer Americans will be uninsured.
Bad news!! At a cost of $50,000 per person (at best as this was a low estimate per the CBO)
The law will still leave between 29-31 million non-elderly Americans without medical insurance. Goal achieved, right?? No.
These numbers assume Obamacare's insurance exchanges will DOUBLE enrollment in the next 10 years, which honestly is highly unlikely, making the figures even more deplorable.
President Obama was conveniently in India during the scheduled release of this report. I bet the questions still remain upon his return. We don't know what his answer will be aside from the fact that assuredly it will be a pointed lie.
Here's a funny quip from your boy, Barry. "I will not sign any law that adds even one dime to our deficits, ever, now or in the future! Period!" The way some of you lemmings follow this pied piper is borderline disturbing.
Edit: Fixed video link.
This post was edited on 1/27 10:41 AM by V-P
Full report from the CBO