doesnt remember because he was drunk so doenst accept blame or guilt. they muffed the ray rice thing, twice. halfway got the greg hardy thing right, totally dropped the ball on zeke elliott which in that all they had is him publicly playing with titties and the woman didnt mind. oh and some crazy lady who police in two states said is full of shit. three games for a habitual offender? doesnt matter his rape allegations, and standing in the chow hall on a table degrading women happened in college. he wasnt going to become some outstanding citizen once out of school. i shouldnt say he never was, i guess the hope is he grows and matures. but now you have something factual to nail a player with and you let him skate or muff it again. i dont care if most of his stuff happened in college, doesnt mean as a pro that you forget about his past. we have players drop in the draft multiple rounds because of weed, freaking weed but play slap wrists when it comes to actual sexual assault. last but not least or most importantly, he was drunk so he cant be held responsible. c'mon man.