It was apparent MPJ did not have his legs and the explosive jumping ability. He may never get back to 100% of what he was as far as explosiveness but he can still be a very productive addition if he shifts his focus just a little. For those of you that remember Larry Bird vs Magic Johnson in the NCAA tournament in 1979 Magic could not shoot from beyond mid range but he could pass the ball. He lead everyone in scoring with 24 points, rarely taking a shot beyond 15 feet and he shot over 50% from the field. Larry Bird could shoot and pass and he was Indiana States team although in that game he missed 2/3's if his shots. The defense keyed on Bird in that game and his passing was not as good as it had been in games leading up to that final. Magic was similar with his passes and his court vision was amazing. If MPJ can develop that piece of his game and his teammates will stay active moving without the ball the chemistry will improve. Right now his teammates don't move without the ball and don't expect a pass so they tend to watch MPJ. If MPJ could learn from Magic vs Bird and involve his teammates we can be very competitive in March Madness.