U.S. Congressional Record: 45 Communist Goals
How Liberals Have Been Totally Suckered Into Being Communists How many of these original 45 goals can you identify as being achieved? Congressman A.S. Herlong JR. was a Democrat from Florida. A dec…
In the early 1960’s, Russian Communists were transparent about their attempts to weaken the U.S. through psychological warfare, without having to resort to conventional warfare. “Communism’s 45 Goals” to weaken the U.S. were entered into the Congressional Record in 1963. Amongst these 45 goals are the ones listed below.
The bold numbered points below are taken from the doctrine of USSR Communist Tactics to Weaken America. Bullet points below the bold numbered points are examples of how these tactics are still being used today by the internal forces who are trying to weaken America, including Globalists, Democrats, RINOs, and their facilitators.
11) Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture; education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
- Dept. of Education, teachers unions, Academia, Critical Race Theory, Project 1619, Comprehensive Sexuality Education
- open borders and open border NGOs
- the Great Society welfare state
- promote public drug consumption sites, open air homeless encampments
12) Infiltrate and gain control of labor unions; persuade them to support/finance communist causes
- labor unions have historically supported/financed Democratic/Globalist causes
13) Infiltrate and gain control of big business; persuade them to support/finance communist causes.
- Big business/Wall Street/Hollywood/Pro sports support/finance BLM/ANTIFA/Jane’s Revenge/Ruth Sent Us
- Big business supports Military/Medical/Biotech/Agricultural Industrial Complexes
- MSM/Big Tech/social media support the Censorship Industrial Complex
14) Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies.
- “defund the police”
- replace police officers with social workers
- promote public drug consumption sites
- promote open air homeless encampments
15) Discredit the family as an institution. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
- distancing parents from school curriculum indoctrination decisions
- distancing parents from transgender indoctrination decisions
- distancing parents from contributing to school board meetings
16) Promote the impression that violence is a legitimate aspect of the American tradition; students and special-interest groups should rise up and use mob rule to solve economic, political or social problems.
- Mob rule violence by BLM, ANTIFA, Jane’s Revenge, Ruth Sent Us
- lack of security and actions of government operatives promoted "Whitmer"/January 6 from peaceful protest to chaos
- declaring white supremacists/religious people/school board parents to be the “greatest threat to democracy”