I am startig to believe more and more that Kroenke will own a team in LA, and STL will be getting the Jags or Raiders. There seems to be zero reason for Keoenke not to build a stadium and own a team in the LA market, just as there is no reason for the STL market to lose their team, just as their is no reason for JAX or OAK to continue to have teams.
I am envisioning 2 simultaneous stadium projects and a possible ownership swap or coordinated 2 franchise move to make the relocations quick and painless. The NFL will not want a drawn out ordeal, or multiple rounds of franchise moves and lawsuits.
OAK will never be given a stadium, an I don't think the Davis family has the money to do it. JAX never should have gotten a team, has a defined buyout if I am not mistaken, which would likely eliminate a lawsuit. STL is showing all of he necessary good faith efforts to date to appease the league requirements. I know the NFL wants LA, but they would be setting a slippery precedent to allow franchises to become free agents by the franchise simy allowing their lease to run out while the market they are in is attempting to build a $800mill to a $1bill stadium or them.
Editing note: I have fat thumbs and will not go back and correct all of the stupid iPhone errors in my post.
This post was edited on 2/7 2:16 PM by brosept
I am envisioning 2 simultaneous stadium projects and a possible ownership swap or coordinated 2 franchise move to make the relocations quick and painless. The NFL will not want a drawn out ordeal, or multiple rounds of franchise moves and lawsuits.
OAK will never be given a stadium, an I don't think the Davis family has the money to do it. JAX never should have gotten a team, has a defined buyout if I am not mistaken, which would likely eliminate a lawsuit. STL is showing all of he necessary good faith efforts to date to appease the league requirements. I know the NFL wants LA, but they would be setting a slippery precedent to allow franchises to become free agents by the franchise simy allowing their lease to run out while the market they are in is attempting to build a $800mill to a $1bill stadium or them.
Editing note: I have fat thumbs and will not go back and correct all of the stupid iPhone errors in my post.
This post was edited on 2/7 2:16 PM by brosept