Do we continue to give Barry a pass? I have to think we pull it off and find a way to get a W. I know it sounds crazy after only two weeks BUT I think this game is the game of the season. An absolute must win. Lose this game and shit spirals out of control real quickly.
Just out of curiosity, let's say we lose another clunker of a game to Purdue, how tight does the noose around Barry's neck get? Full disclosure: despite my frustration with BO's start to his tenure I'm not advocating for him to get fired and only want to see him take us back to the SEC championship game.
Just out of curiosity, let's say we lose another clunker of a game to Purdue, how tight does the noose around Barry's neck get? Full disclosure: despite my frustration with BO's start to his tenure I'm not advocating for him to get fired and only want to see him take us back to the SEC championship game.