SLU football got on the map before Mizzou...StLToday article says the forward pass was invented at SLU...and NOT by Knute Rockne at Notre Dame...who knew?
Story quotes:
But while former NCAA football historian Steve Boda says SLU's place as pioneer of the pass was undisputed in his 40 years on the job, dust and mythology have largely obscured Cochems and his fascinating first team.
Neither Cochems nor Robinson is in the hall, and many mistakenly attribute the advent of the forward pass to the school a few miles from there, Notre Dame, whose lore indeed includes a pivotal point in the development of the pass, but not its birth.
Adding to the misperception was the movie "Knute Rockne: All-American," which made that game appear to be an inauguration of the play. Never mind that it came seven years after SLU's prosperity through the air -- a fact that Notre Dame and Rockne himself acknowledged.
The highlights of the season, though, were a 34-2 win over favored Kansas and a 39-0 victory over Iowa on Thanksgiving Day at Sportsman's Park.
Story quotes:
But while former NCAA football historian Steve Boda says SLU's place as pioneer of the pass was undisputed in his 40 years on the job, dust and mythology have largely obscured Cochems and his fascinating first team.
Neither Cochems nor Robinson is in the hall, and many mistakenly attribute the advent of the forward pass to the school a few miles from there, Notre Dame, whose lore indeed includes a pivotal point in the development of the pass, but not its birth.
Adding to the misperception was the movie "Knute Rockne: All-American," which made that game appear to be an inauguration of the play. Never mind that it came seven years after SLU's prosperity through the air -- a fact that Notre Dame and Rockne himself acknowledged.
The highlights of the season, though, were a 34-2 win over favored Kansas and a 39-0 victory over Iowa on Thanksgiving Day at Sportsman's Park.