For a long while pollsters have told anyone who will listen that Biden is way up in popular vote and well up in many swing states.
As a result many believe the pollsters are damping down enthusiasm for Trump. This in addition to the media with glee reporting negatively at nearly a 100% clip on Trump and using these polling numbers to discourage Trump voters. The trump voters will be disillusioned and stay home Tuesday was the theory.
Similarly Biden has run the worst campaign ever if it was about selling his ideas instead of his opponents. He indeed stayed in his house yammering “Trump bad. Covid. Covid Trump bad” over and over. He pretended the riots didn’t take place until about the first of September when it was obvious people outside of Portland and Chicago had seen all that third world crap they wanted. But after that he ha# pretty much remained silent. He took the week off before the last debate and said he wasnt going to be doing much after. He’s running around checking a few $ozen car horns every day or two but is still a reluctant participant with only a narrow criticism of his opponent to push.
I think they have actually done Trump a favor.
The theory that pollsters and media had softened a Trump support come Election Day May have been a poor bet.
I’ve never seen anything like this since the first Obama run. Trumps supporters are much more fervent than 16. We were coming back from Taneycomo today. From just north of Branson on 65 up to hwy 60 at Springfield in the right lane there was a nearly continuous line of Trump flag waving supporters and lines of them waiting to join at most entrances.
Now I realize Southwest Missouri is not a battleground, but that’s kinda the point. Those people are pumped and they know their guy is going to win their state. I never saw anything like this 4 years ago. The crowds in these cold state venues are telling. Tens of thousands lining up for hours to support Trump in cold weather to hear same speech they could watch 5 times today on Fox.
My point is come Tuesday for those that haven’t voted, I believe the Trump voters will stand hours in cold and rain and nothing will dissuade them from waiting as long as it takes to vote FOR Trump.
On the other hand few people are going to wait long to vote for Joe Biden. More will wait to vote against Trump than for Biden, However the great human characteristic is you are generally more enthusiastic about supporting someone or some issue than opposing.
I recall those feelings as I voted for whoever was running against Clinton and Obama. The republicans ran generally unexciting candidates and the majority of votes that the republican candidates received were generally votes against Clinton and Obama. Clinton and Obama were greatly disliked by the republicans, but it was not enough to defeat them.
I will not be at all surprised that the Joe Biden experiment fails because they had never considered that he was not very popular even in his own party until they decided to stack the deck for him.
To me it would be like would I donate money and spend hours going to vote back in the day to keep Roy Williams from being elected to the senate? Prolly not. Would I have done so to support Norm Stewart..hell yes.
The question is Biden someone that stirs enough people to overcome enthusiasm.
As a result many believe the pollsters are damping down enthusiasm for Trump. This in addition to the media with glee reporting negatively at nearly a 100% clip on Trump and using these polling numbers to discourage Trump voters. The trump voters will be disillusioned and stay home Tuesday was the theory.
Similarly Biden has run the worst campaign ever if it was about selling his ideas instead of his opponents. He indeed stayed in his house yammering “Trump bad. Covid. Covid Trump bad” over and over. He pretended the riots didn’t take place until about the first of September when it was obvious people outside of Portland and Chicago had seen all that third world crap they wanted. But after that he ha# pretty much remained silent. He took the week off before the last debate and said he wasnt going to be doing much after. He’s running around checking a few $ozen car horns every day or two but is still a reluctant participant with only a narrow criticism of his opponent to push.
I think they have actually done Trump a favor.
The theory that pollsters and media had softened a Trump support come Election Day May have been a poor bet.
I’ve never seen anything like this since the first Obama run. Trumps supporters are much more fervent than 16. We were coming back from Taneycomo today. From just north of Branson on 65 up to hwy 60 at Springfield in the right lane there was a nearly continuous line of Trump flag waving supporters and lines of them waiting to join at most entrances.
Now I realize Southwest Missouri is not a battleground, but that’s kinda the point. Those people are pumped and they know their guy is going to win their state. I never saw anything like this 4 years ago. The crowds in these cold state venues are telling. Tens of thousands lining up for hours to support Trump in cold weather to hear same speech they could watch 5 times today on Fox.
My point is come Tuesday for those that haven’t voted, I believe the Trump voters will stand hours in cold and rain and nothing will dissuade them from waiting as long as it takes to vote FOR Trump.
On the other hand few people are going to wait long to vote for Joe Biden. More will wait to vote against Trump than for Biden, However the great human characteristic is you are generally more enthusiastic about supporting someone or some issue than opposing.
I recall those feelings as I voted for whoever was running against Clinton and Obama. The republicans ran generally unexciting candidates and the majority of votes that the republican candidates received were generally votes against Clinton and Obama. Clinton and Obama were greatly disliked by the republicans, but it was not enough to defeat them.
I will not be at all surprised that the Joe Biden experiment fails because they had never considered that he was not very popular even in his own party until they decided to stack the deck for him.
To me it would be like would I donate money and spend hours going to vote back in the day to keep Roy Williams from being elected to the senate? Prolly not. Would I have done so to support Norm Stewart..hell yes.
The question is Biden someone that stirs enough people to overcome enthusiasm.