There's 85 scholarship football players.
2 of the 85, or 2.5% of the football team were independently helped by tutor.
It was stopped when it was found out, the two players were suspended and disciplined.
Therefore per the NCAA Mizzou:
97.5% of the football team should be punished.
Mizzou should lose 5% of its scholarships for a year.
Mizzou should lose ~$200,000-400,000.
Mizzou should lose recruiting time and contact.
Am I missing something?
Were women raped? Were boys raped? Was the head coach and the AD directing the tutor to do this? Were they covering it up?
Did their offensive coordinator beat his wife? Was anyone injured here?
2 players, 2, is worth this level of punishment when the NCAA acknowledges that the University HAD NO KNOWLEDGE?
I understand the level 1 violation and the punishment matrix. But how is this not a Mitigating level 1 violation? How does this punishment fit the crime of 2 players and 1 tutor?
If there's 7 guys on the baseball team, I understand they might get a harsher punishment.
But 2 guys are all that it takes to cost an entire team their bowl game?
That is absolutely horrendous judgement by the NCAA.
2 of the 85, or 2.5% of the football team were independently helped by tutor.
It was stopped when it was found out, the two players were suspended and disciplined.
Therefore per the NCAA Mizzou:
97.5% of the football team should be punished.
Mizzou should lose 5% of its scholarships for a year.
Mizzou should lose ~$200,000-400,000.
Mizzou should lose recruiting time and contact.
Am I missing something?
Were women raped? Were boys raped? Was the head coach and the AD directing the tutor to do this? Were they covering it up?
Did their offensive coordinator beat his wife? Was anyone injured here?
2 players, 2, is worth this level of punishment when the NCAA acknowledges that the University HAD NO KNOWLEDGE?
I understand the level 1 violation and the punishment matrix. But how is this not a Mitigating level 1 violation? How does this punishment fit the crime of 2 players and 1 tutor?
If there's 7 guys on the baseball team, I understand they might get a harsher punishment.
But 2 guys are all that it takes to cost an entire team their bowl game?
That is absolutely horrendous judgement by the NCAA.