This is the 84 year old stock inside trading crook you lefties have had in control of your party til at least now.
She jammed through the ACA that seems to not satisfy even the left. She was singularly responsible for 2 impeachment and a disgusting hand picked kangaroo court ABC producer directed dog and pony show of Jan 6 crap stretching 4 years .
She was a major if not the major mover in giving us Obama and Harris .
It's time for all these fossils in both parties to exit stage left . Trump is in last term. Hopefully all the octogenarians leave with him from both parties. I like the youth of his cabinet picks.
She jammed through the ACA that seems to not satisfy even the left. She was singularly responsible for 2 impeachment and a disgusting hand picked kangaroo court ABC producer directed dog and pony show of Jan 6 crap stretching 4 years .
She was a major if not the major mover in giving us Obama and Harris .
It's time for all these fossils in both parties to exit stage left . Trump is in last term. Hopefully all the octogenarians leave with him from both parties. I like the youth of his cabinet picks.

Nancy Pelosi undergoes hip replacement surgery after fall in Luxembourg
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi, 84, underwent a successful hip replacement surgery after falling while in Luxembourg with a congressional delegation.
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