Arrived today, for those (like me) ridiculously curious how it will impact things.
Major changes that I see, most of which have already been speculated upon on the board:
Major changes that I see, most of which have already been speculated upon on the board:
- Donor level counts first for ticket/parking allocation, then points ranking within that donor level.
- One points total for both football and men's basketball (currently have a distinct total for each).
- All gifts to Mizzou Athletics count toward donor level (so things like donating to Pat Ivey's program would also count). Importantly, it also says donations required for Premium Seating will also now be included (extra donations for club seats, suites, etc, that were previously not part of TSF points total). No indication that I saw if that bit will be retroactive.
- A one-time bump for consecutive years of season tickets (whichever sport you've had longest)... 10 points for <10 years, 25 points for 10-19 years, 50 points for 20-29 years, 100 points for 30+ years.
- May 31, 2016 is "lock-date" for donor rank for allocations and such.
- May be important for those that donate periodically, instead of lump sum, Fiscal year will now be important calendar, starting on July 1 2015, instead of calendar year driving things.
- Added a "True Tiger" level of $7500+ between Gold and Director levels. Also added 4 levels at $15,000+