If over the life of his 7/21 contract, he averaged 21 wins and 13 losses, wins one conference championship (Missouri State-Missouri Valley), two NCAA tournament invites and, three NIT invites?
That’s essentially what Martin had been at other stops of his coaching career, even right down to his bringing in some big time recruiting classes.
Norm 20-10, 16 NCAA, 6 NITs and 8 Conference Chsmpionships
Quin 18-13, 4 NCAA and 1 NIT
MA 22-11 with 3 NCAA
Haith 25-8, 2 NCAA and 1 NIT
KA 9-23 with Nada
That’s essentially what Martin had been at other stops of his coaching career, even right down to his bringing in some big time recruiting classes.
Norm 20-10, 16 NCAA, 6 NITs and 8 Conference Chsmpionships
Quin 18-13, 4 NCAA and 1 NIT
MA 22-11 with 3 NCAA
Haith 25-8, 2 NCAA and 1 NIT
KA 9-23 with Nada