The biggest difference is Georgia doesn't beat themselves and Mizzou never seems to put it all together in a big game. Missed FG's, and missed blocking assignments on punts, dropped balls or balls off wide open receivers hands that turn into picks can not happen in big games against teams with better talent. Defense gave up a few big plays, but overall were improved over last week. Lock has all the talent in the world, but he needs to gain some Baker Mayfield leadership skills. But you can hardly blame him, when receivers rarely bail him out. He'd almost be better off to just drill it and hope it sticks in a guys face mask. If Hall's well enough to be on the field, than make a play. Instead we're going to hear how he's playing injured and we should be grateful he's even out there. If you can't produce, don't dress....your not helping. Bottom line is this....until they put it ALL together in ALL facets of the game, they won't win a big game against a team with talent.