I think most of you forgot the spirit of this segment last week. Let me set some ground rules here.....I know none of us have ever hit a slump buster at 3am just for the hell of it. We all have way too much pride to publicly admit that. So stop getting on your soap boxes around here and yelling no way in hell would I ever touch that....cause most of you are flat out liars. Everyone can give an "amen" to Elizabeth Hurley or Halle Barry and publicly decry "wood".....if that's the case, you're missing the game. And I guess I don't even expect everyone to publicly admit to knocking boots with the skank I posted last week....but.....I know some of you are lying. And in this little sewing circle we call the OT, it's great to make everyone think you only pound hotties. Yeah...I get it. So...in your public comments, feel free to say "no way" on any of the "Opportunities" I post for this segment. I have standards also. However....what I am asking is for the purposes of the poll, go to the deepest, darkest part of yourself. And if you really had the opportunity, would you take it. The poll is confidential. I set it up that way..
Ok.....This week's wood/wood knot poll. This spry little drink of water is 10 gin and tonics in on a Saturday evening at the local watering hole. All your buddies have left and it's 2 am. Nobody is gonna find out that you hit a 63 year old......wood? wood knot?
Ok.....This week's wood/wood knot poll. This spry little drink of water is 10 gin and tonics in on a Saturday evening at the local watering hole. All your buddies have left and it's 2 am. Nobody is gonna find out that you hit a 63 year old......wood? wood knot?