Harris claimed she would remove the filibuster for certain legislation. That would mean the legislative filibuster would go the way of the appointments filibuster..to the junk heap of history. They talked of giving statehood to DC and Puerto Rico dreaming of a 1000 year Richt.
The Senate being brakes on one party rule has served the country well from each party overdoing it. Only the gop remains on board.
Of course now the cowardly lefty idiots don’t want the republicans to break the filibuster. It’s only for libs to spring that shit. How disgusting.
The Senate being brakes on one party rule has served the country well from each party overdoing it. Only the gop remains on board.
Of course now the cowardly lefty idiots don’t want the republicans to break the filibuster. It’s only for libs to spring that shit. How disgusting.

Jayapal admits she only wanted to nuke filibuster when Democrats controlled Senate - Washington Examiner
Jayapal has long been an advocate of reforming and removing the rule that protects the minority party in the