the chamber

May 28, 2015
- Let’s start with the elephant in the room.

The Chamber fully expects CJ Roberts to reaffirm his commitment to Missouri sometime on Sunday. Last we checked the family was still just making some calls on Cuonzo to cross their T’s and dot their I’s to make sure they’re making the right decision.

Say what you want about the family taking their time, but you only get to send your kid to college once and you might as well make sure you get it right.

- The radar is dead on the Mark Smith recruitment. Neither he nor his coach have responded to From what The Chamber is hearing from other people though is that Missouri’s chances are slipping. Kentucky is coming in to see him tomorrow and with only two visits left we can’t see him using one on Missouri. We’ll stay on him.

- 2018 St. Louis (Mo.) Whitfield guard Torrence Watson got reoffered by Cuonzo this week, although The Chamber never doubted the Tigers chances with him. We’ve asked around and there are two trains of thought here.

1. He’s Missouri’s to lose. If Martin makes him a priority then he can likely land Watson. The other schools going after him hard are K-State, Butler and Marquette among others. Those shouldn’t scare Missouri. If Martin wants Watson and shows him that I think he winds up in Columbia.

2. He blows up this summer and falls out of Missouri’s league. Multiple coaches tied to staff’s recruiting Watson have all given this message in one form or another. “We like our chances with him….now. Ask us again in July.” A lot of people seem to think Watson is primed for a huge summer in AAU and can really draw the attention of some high-majors with a strong summer. He’s currently ranked in the 90s of the Rivals150. One coach said he wouldn’t surprised if Watson ends up in the top 40s or 50s when it’s all said and done if he plays the way they expect him to. Good on Cuonzo to get on Watson early because this could get out of hand.

Martin spoke to Watson on both Sunday and Monday as well as his mother. Watson didn't elaborate much, but said both he and his mother had a good first impression of Martin.

- The esteemed Alex Schiffer had a story earlier this week on Jairus Hamilton. He asked some scouts about Hamilton and they all think he’s a hell of a player. With Duke and Louisville already on him it’s going to be tough for Missouri to get him. At the same time it’s early in his recruitment so there’s plenty of time to make up ground.

- Alex Lomax was Cuonzo’s first offer and took some crap for being a three-star. He’s legit. If Missouri were to land a player who was the point guard of a national powerhouse and won Mr. Basketball in a pretty decent basketball state like Tennessee a few weeks ago would you be complaining regardless of his ranking?

Lomax can play. Period. He has similar background to Terrence Phillips when you think about it. If Cuonzo makes him a priority Missouri can get Lomax. He hasn’t taken a lot of visits yet and doesn’t have a lot of people on him right now. His AAU team is loaded, as it usually is for Penny Hardaway. He’ll be one we’ll keep a close eye on this summer.

- Latest is hearing on Jontay Porter is what we’ve previously stated. It looks more and more likely he stays in 2018. We have a text out to him and plan to have more on him early next week.

- Finally check out Mr. Schiffer's story on Mario McKinney. For those of you that think Missouri has no shot on him, just read the story. He was excited when the program landed Michael Porter Jr. and said he hoped it brought more people to the games. If that sounds like a kid who isn’t interested in your program then The Chamber doesn’t know what to say.

Cuonzo can’t reach him directly until June, but we’d be stunned if he didn’t hear from him. It’s very early in the process for him too and he said Jimmy loved his time in Columbia. He should be the least of your worries right now.

- With Blake Harris visiting April 8 (and yes we know we had said we didn't think Missouri takes both him and Roberts, but we now think they probably would), the goal is to get as much talent as possible on campus that weekend. Look for an official from Michael Porter Jr that weekend (we haven't confirmed it) and the goal is to have Kevin Knox in town that weekend as well (people Gabe DeArmond talk to feel pretty good about the chances of getting a visit and from there we'll see). There will be other guys they're after as well (who we may or may not yet have mentioned) who they'd like to bring in also.

- Obviously this is probably going to require some departures on the roster. The Chamber is fairly confident there will be at least two (and while, yes, Gabe has heard names, you know his policy of not pushing kids out the door before it happens, but we'd just say the names Gabe heard are most likely to leave have certainly been brought up on this board). That number could rise, but at this point, we're confident we'll see at least two departures.

- As mentioned above we're close to scratching Mark Smith off the list. We just don't see it happening. Not quite there with Jeremiah Tilmon. Missouri won't quit on him and if something changes we'll pass that on, but nothing happening right now.

- Wanted to spend some time on the staff. Obviously Michael Porter Sr. is on it. There are two bench coach spots left. We've heard Cornell Mann's name and we've also heard the possibility of Marco Harris being a full time assistant rather than just the DBO. Not saying either of those will happen, just have heard them as possibilities. There was also a post on the board about Chris Hollender from UMKC. It's the first time I've heard the name but after looking at him it would make some sense. The first reaction, we're sure, is "UMKC?" But Hollender was at Mississippi State for three years and recruited Quinndary Weatherspoon and coached big men, helping to develop Gavin Ware. That's not a bad resume. He also had experience at Army and Evansville.

On the strength and conditioning front, our guy at Cal said he was hearing that Nicodemus Christopher was following Martin as of last week, but now things have reversed and he's expected to stay in Berkeley. Not sure who's choice that is, but at this point, I'm expecting Martin to go elsewhere to fill that role.

Martin has said in various interviews he hopes to have the staff filled by Sunday or Monday. He's in California seeing his family as the dead period begins, but announcements really could come at any point (or news could break prior to official announcements). If we get that news, we'll pass it on.

- Football recruiting has been mostly quiet since spring ball began. The Chamber wants to remind the faithful readers of that that is normal. At this point in the 2017 class Mizzou had two commitments. Da'Ron Davis (an in-state wide receiver who had been committed for a while) and Hyrin White (spring camp visitor). This class has it's Davis in Harry Ballard III. It doesn't have it's White yet, but there are still a couple weeks of spring camp left.

Pompey Coleman also committed last spring. Just a little later in mid-April. After those three there was one commitment in June and then the run in July. The run in July was all centered around Night at the Zou. All this information is intended to remind everyone that there is no need to panic just yet. Mizzou is recruiting players and they will start to have more visitors. Eventually we'll see a run on commitments and then you all can return to bitching about how underrated they are or how Mizzou has to recruit better.

- We're going to wrap up this week's Chamber with the much heralded TIGER TEN PREDICTIONS.

Brian Austin
Ayodele Adeoye: Missouri
Kamryn Babb: Ohio State
Cameron Brown: Missouri
Daniel Carson: Oklahoma
Dallas Craddieth: Missouri
Mario Goodrich: Nebraska
Daniel Parker Jr.: Missouri
Ronnie Perkins: Missouri
Michael Thompson: Alabama
Trevor Trout: Missouri

Gabe DeArmond
Ayodele: LSU
Babb: Ohio State
Brown: Mizzou
Carson: Oklahoma
Craddieth: Mizzou
Goodrich: Nebraska
Parker: Mizzou
Perkins: Mizzou
Thompson: Mizzou
Trout: Mizzou

Sean Williams
Ayodele: LSU
Babb: Ohio State
Brown: Mizzou
Carson: Notre Dame
Craddieth: Mizzou
Goodrich: Nebraska
Parker: Mizzou
Perkins: Mizzou
Thompson: LSU
Trout: Mizzou
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