The latest full old Mizzou hoops game to make its way onto the interwebs a few days ago is the 1989 #3 Mizzou at #5 Oklahoma game. Aside from being arguably one of the most entertaining college basketball games ever played (final score was 112-105 with several future NBA draft picks on both teams), it was also one of the most dramatic for MU and OU.
This was of course the trip in which Norm collapsed on the plane ride to Oklahoma and his cancer was first discovered, so Rich Daly was thrust into coaching a game for the first time since juco. And of course this is the game in which Tubbs was handed the microphone to try to, ahem, calm the crowd...and did so by saying "regardless of how terrible the officiating is, please do not throw things on the floor."
Oh and as if you needed more, it also includes possibly the best Anthony Peeler dunk of all time, a one handed tomahawk slam over three defenders that sent Bill Raftery to orgasm.