It's still raining in Big D and we are under 50 degrees for the first time since maybe before May. Also, it is the deadline to file your taxes if you filed an extension. My internet has been down since around 9:00 am, thank AT&T
1. Mizzou is not as good as Bama. I don't know what to tell you. When you lose the turnover battle to Bama:
Mizzou Defense played about as good as they could. I know Bama dominated on yards, but the Mizzou O did not help out. I would have liked to see Mizzou run it a lot more. I would like to have seen some more screens, but the ones that Mizzou ran, they were bad at it. The tosses to the flats were actually better. However, when you face only a 3 or 4 man rush, the flat throws can easily be covered by zone. Mizzou should lose that game. I would like to see Drew Lock play more of a game manager when facing defenses that are just flat out good and Mizzou doesn't have their top 2 WRs. Additionally, that helps mizzou hold the ball and keep their D off of the field more. Drew is kind of responsible for 12 points for Bama. The fumble, a pick, and safety led to 12 points. I think Mizzou is improving and on the right track. I just think their QB cannot play without Emmanuel Hall running deep. I expect Mizzou to start destroying the teams they are better than. Kentucky and Florida are actually good match-ups for Mizzou. If the offense can score in the 30s, they win both. If they score in teh 20s, maybe they win. If they can't make it to 20, they lose both. I see Mizzou going 5-1 the rest of the way and losing to either Florida or Kentucky, but not both.
2. The Chiefs have a QB. Mahomes is really good. The kid made plays last night. Chiefs have this year and next to win Superbowl before they start to seriously lose some pieces due to new contracts. I don't know what they should do with Tyreek Hill. The guy is phenomenal, but how much can you pay a WR. I wouldn't give him OBJ money. I think the Giants ruined their future on that deal. The Chiefs have so much money locked up on Eric Berry and Justin Houston. They lose Dee Ford after this year (who is finally playing well). They desperately need some LBs. Their D is going to cost them the title. I don't know how you fix it short term.
3. The Saudis killed a US journalist. The Saudis are not a great group of peeps. First off, they are destroying Yemen. Secondly, they are the most restrictive on human rights of the middle east nations. I mean, they aren't ISIS in terms of Shariah Law, but they aren't that far off. Remember, they beheaded a Shi'ite Cleric from Iran because he spoke out against the Saudi regime. The US has always been friends with them because of the Oil and because they are not friends with Russia. Remember, dictators are easier to buy off than entire nations. This is the hardest position Trump finds himself in in terms of foreign policy. I am not sure what he should do. Media wants him to punish the Kingdom (Saudi Arabia), but he will be chastised for the fall out if he does. I think the Saudis recognize that they probably over stepped their position here. My expectation is that the Kingdom does some sort of internal "investigation" and finds some "culprits" and punishes them for the action. They will probably be killed during capture instead of captured. Trump inherited the Saudi relationship, it goes back decades. But he hasn't done anything to stem their continued position. But hey, at least they finally decided to let women drive over there. I honestly don't know what to do if you are Trump. The right thing would be to sanction them. They have to know that you don't eff with American journalists, send a message to every other middle east country as well. I think you cancel recent defense orders and deny support to them for Yemen in the short term. They will come around. Keep in mind, it was the Kingdom and the Kingdom's money that was instrumental in taking down Soviet Union in Afghanistan. We joined ourselves with are pretty evil group.
4. Sears files for bankruptcy. Who saw this coming? Everyone, everyone saw this coming. What is interesting is that the two stores (Sears and JCP) with the infrastructure to compete with Amazon early on are the first 2 out the door, well, JCP isn't yet, but probably soon. This happens and should happen to companies that disregard innovation and disruption. I was sent an email this morning about when Western Union told Alexander Graham Bell to eff off when he tried to sell them Telephone Technology. They responded, that's ridiculous. Why would anyone make a call when they can just send a courier. Sears and JCP had the catelog. All they had to do was put it online. Most department stores for some odd reason, refused to invest in their online interface. My guess is that they thought it would get rid of impulse shopping. They want you to come to the store to buy one thing, see some other things you like and then buy them (even though you don't need them). Remember JCP used to have the biggest one day sale of the year every damn Saturday. Every one wants stuff to come to them easier, deliver it for me. I hate stores, I hate being aroudn people, I hate parking, I hate inconvenience, etc. Things will keep going until we don't have to leave our phones or ever see other people outside of our FB feeds and instagrams. Now the question is, who replaces Amazon, if anyone? Amazon is lucky enough that they are not a profit valued company, so they can continue to heavily invest in R&D, for now.
5. Fake News, Fake News Trump praises Robert E Lee. News reports tweeted out, had articles, etc. that Trump praised Robert E Lee at a rally. Turns out he praised Ulysses S Grant. This stuff is what makes people distrust the news. Trump does so much that is easy to rip apart, but the media has to continue to lie. Trump is going to win re-election and the Media's hyperbole activity will be 90% of the reason why. Just freaking report facts. I get it, your ratings will drop, but people will dump in authentic material for the factual stuff, it takes time.
1. Mizzou is not as good as Bama. I don't know what to tell you. When you lose the turnover battle to Bama:

Mizzou Defense played about as good as they could. I know Bama dominated on yards, but the Mizzou O did not help out. I would have liked to see Mizzou run it a lot more. I would like to have seen some more screens, but the ones that Mizzou ran, they were bad at it. The tosses to the flats were actually better. However, when you face only a 3 or 4 man rush, the flat throws can easily be covered by zone. Mizzou should lose that game. I would like to see Drew Lock play more of a game manager when facing defenses that are just flat out good and Mizzou doesn't have their top 2 WRs. Additionally, that helps mizzou hold the ball and keep their D off of the field more. Drew is kind of responsible for 12 points for Bama. The fumble, a pick, and safety led to 12 points. I think Mizzou is improving and on the right track. I just think their QB cannot play without Emmanuel Hall running deep. I expect Mizzou to start destroying the teams they are better than. Kentucky and Florida are actually good match-ups for Mizzou. If the offense can score in the 30s, they win both. If they score in teh 20s, maybe they win. If they can't make it to 20, they lose both. I see Mizzou going 5-1 the rest of the way and losing to either Florida or Kentucky, but not both.
2. The Chiefs have a QB. Mahomes is really good. The kid made plays last night. Chiefs have this year and next to win Superbowl before they start to seriously lose some pieces due to new contracts. I don't know what they should do with Tyreek Hill. The guy is phenomenal, but how much can you pay a WR. I wouldn't give him OBJ money. I think the Giants ruined their future on that deal. The Chiefs have so much money locked up on Eric Berry and Justin Houston. They lose Dee Ford after this year (who is finally playing well). They desperately need some LBs. Their D is going to cost them the title. I don't know how you fix it short term.
3. The Saudis killed a US journalist. The Saudis are not a great group of peeps. First off, they are destroying Yemen. Secondly, they are the most restrictive on human rights of the middle east nations. I mean, they aren't ISIS in terms of Shariah Law, but they aren't that far off. Remember, they beheaded a Shi'ite Cleric from Iran because he spoke out against the Saudi regime. The US has always been friends with them because of the Oil and because they are not friends with Russia. Remember, dictators are easier to buy off than entire nations. This is the hardest position Trump finds himself in in terms of foreign policy. I am not sure what he should do. Media wants him to punish the Kingdom (Saudi Arabia), but he will be chastised for the fall out if he does. I think the Saudis recognize that they probably over stepped their position here. My expectation is that the Kingdom does some sort of internal "investigation" and finds some "culprits" and punishes them for the action. They will probably be killed during capture instead of captured. Trump inherited the Saudi relationship, it goes back decades. But he hasn't done anything to stem their continued position. But hey, at least they finally decided to let women drive over there. I honestly don't know what to do if you are Trump. The right thing would be to sanction them. They have to know that you don't eff with American journalists, send a message to every other middle east country as well. I think you cancel recent defense orders and deny support to them for Yemen in the short term. They will come around. Keep in mind, it was the Kingdom and the Kingdom's money that was instrumental in taking down Soviet Union in Afghanistan. We joined ourselves with are pretty evil group.
4. Sears files for bankruptcy. Who saw this coming? Everyone, everyone saw this coming. What is interesting is that the two stores (Sears and JCP) with the infrastructure to compete with Amazon early on are the first 2 out the door, well, JCP isn't yet, but probably soon. This happens and should happen to companies that disregard innovation and disruption. I was sent an email this morning about when Western Union told Alexander Graham Bell to eff off when he tried to sell them Telephone Technology. They responded, that's ridiculous. Why would anyone make a call when they can just send a courier. Sears and JCP had the catelog. All they had to do was put it online. Most department stores for some odd reason, refused to invest in their online interface. My guess is that they thought it would get rid of impulse shopping. They want you to come to the store to buy one thing, see some other things you like and then buy them (even though you don't need them). Remember JCP used to have the biggest one day sale of the year every damn Saturday. Every one wants stuff to come to them easier, deliver it for me. I hate stores, I hate being aroudn people, I hate parking, I hate inconvenience, etc. Things will keep going until we don't have to leave our phones or ever see other people outside of our FB feeds and instagrams. Now the question is, who replaces Amazon, if anyone? Amazon is lucky enough that they are not a profit valued company, so they can continue to heavily invest in R&D, for now.
5. Fake News, Fake News Trump praises Robert E Lee. News reports tweeted out, had articles, etc. that Trump praised Robert E Lee at a rally. Turns out he praised Ulysses S Grant. This stuff is what makes people distrust the news. Trump does so much that is easy to rip apart, but the media has to continue to lie. Trump is going to win re-election and the Media's hyperbole activity will be 90% of the reason why. Just freaking report facts. I get it, your ratings will drop, but people will dump in authentic material for the factual stuff, it takes time.