i only know this by reading gabes tweeter..but if i read it right cal poly gave athletes book stipends over what they should have cause they mis interpreted the rules...
seriously ? make up classes for 20 years? be on fbi tapes offering to pay players ? nothing to see..give kids too much book money? hammer time!!! blue blood money maker ? do what ya want...tiny school that makes us nothing ? screw you..pay us your membership fees and shut up!
the shame is that natl media could change this with applied heat but the networks all make a boatload of money through duke, alabama, etal so while occasionally one story will point something out its basically money folks at the national media outlets saying..lets not rock that money boat.
seriously ? make up classes for 20 years? be on fbi tapes offering to pay players ? nothing to see..give kids too much book money? hammer time!!! blue blood money maker ? do what ya want...tiny school that makes us nothing ? screw you..pay us your membership fees and shut up!
the shame is that natl media could change this with applied heat but the networks all make a boatload of money through duke, alabama, etal so while occasionally one story will point something out its basically money folks at the national media outlets saying..lets not rock that money boat.