Where is either one? Lack of discipline ... Nine penalties for one-hundred yards, Daniel Parker (love him to death) 3 holding calls. Tauskie Dove, block in the back negating a Michael Cox TD, Trajan Jeffcoat could have easily had two fifteen yarders that WERE NOT called on the same play, he DID NOT get called for a roughing penalty on the QB, then went into histrionics aimed at a Vandy offensive player and the referee. Technique ... Blocking ... Again, there is Tauskie Dove penalty, no need to block, Michael Cox is on his way, just stand there and it is Missouri Touchdown. Tackling ... If I need to list every missed tackle the original message would be about 7,000 words long. Play Calling ... not too complicated, give it to Tyler Badie seventy percent of the time. Connor Bazelak has the three yard pass down to a tee. Tyler Macon is pressed into the game on a 3rd down and 13, what to do? Run Macon off tackle of course, really? Tyler Macon can throw the ball more than thirteen yards. Is there ANY outside speed in the receiver room? Never mind, passes will not come their way regardless. Maybe, just maybe every once in awhile .. the bench needs to tell drink there is only 5 seconds remaining in the half or game without letting him see the clock. Then he may dial up the long ball.
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