I was talking to a parent of a freshman college football player. She told me that it turns out that high schools and colleges who implemented a pass-fail grading system seriously affected the players' eligibility. According to her, the NCAA computes a "pass" grade as a D. There was an athlete at a major university who had "OK" grades when the university shifted to pass-fail in the spring. The athlete passed all his classes, but because every grade was considered a "D", he got a notice saying he was not eligible for the fall semester. Evidently this is coming to light as the NCAA declares more students ineligible. I haven't heard a word about this or seen anything on here, so I am thinking something is either missing, or the NCAA is aware and making adjustments. Of course, the students most effected would be those on the edge. Anybody know anything about this and, if true, if it impacts any Mizzou athletes?