….being down 10 late and coming back to tie it.
If this was a Cuonzo team that NEVER would’ve happened. This is why offensively minded teams that push the tempo with multiple weapons are a lot more fun than the slow drag it out defense is everything teams from the 70s. is it perfect? No… Does it mean they can give up large swaths of points in a row? Yes. But damn it’s a lot more pleasant on the eyes than what we’ve gone through the last few years.
If this was a Cuonzo team that NEVER would’ve happened. This is why offensively minded teams that push the tempo with multiple weapons are a lot more fun than the slow drag it out defense is everything teams from the 70s. is it perfect? No… Does it mean they can give up large swaths of points in a row? Yes. But damn it’s a lot more pleasant on the eyes than what we’ve gone through the last few years.