Jake Sullivan..a total lightweight shill is doing a presser . He stated over and again ..”we will remove those Americans in Kabul who want to leave”
That obviously is a bullshit alibi.
1) How many Americans are inAfghanistan and why does the administration duck that number
2). How many Americans have been taken out? Number is available but is not being given. Likely because most of the people see on those planes are single young afghans that crashed the gates…look at any pictures.
3). Has anyone heard of anyone getting out of Kandahar or any other place outside of Kabul.
The Whitehouse is setting up a dishonest game. They are not going to tell you how many Americans are in Country. They are not going to tell you how many have been taken out.
They want to claim on Sept 1 that “We took all our citizens and allies that wanted to leave “
Their hope is that those they intentionally left behind are beheaded, hung, and executed by gunshot in secret with no video .
totally disgusting
That obviously is a bullshit alibi.
1) How many Americans are inAfghanistan and why does the administration duck that number
2). How many Americans have been taken out? Number is available but is not being given. Likely because most of the people see on those planes are single young afghans that crashed the gates…look at any pictures.
3). Has anyone heard of anyone getting out of Kandahar or any other place outside of Kabul.
The Whitehouse is setting up a dishonest game. They are not going to tell you how many Americans are in Country. They are not going to tell you how many have been taken out.
They want to claim on Sept 1 that “We took all our citizens and allies that wanted to leave “
Their hope is that those they intentionally left behind are beheaded, hung, and executed by gunshot in secret with no video .
totally disgusting