Cot damn things are crazy. These 'pod' leaders (glorified babysitters) can basically name their price. We joined with 2 neighbors and it works out to $10/kid/hour. This lady said she had 60 inquiries in the first 6 hours she posted her availability.
Thought I was on easy street until Monday when our district cancelled and decide to start virtually. My wife is a teacher and can't help our 6/9 yos as she has a very strict virtual teaching schedule. I am at the office. Need someone to make sure the kids stay on task with their virtual learning and help them as needed.
Thought I was on easy street until Monday when our district cancelled and decide to start virtually. My wife is a teacher and can't help our 6/9 yos as she has a very strict virtual teaching schedule. I am at the office. Need someone to make sure the kids stay on task with their virtual learning and help them as needed.