And I was correct.
Trick-or-treating banned in Springfield, MA
"Social distancing cannot be guaranteed on front porches." Are you fukcing kidding me? It easily can be. Furthermore, kids don't spread the virus very readily, and the latest definition of an exposure event is being within 6' of a confirmed case for greater than 10 consecutive minutes without masks. Yeah, that's real motherfukcing difficult to avoid. Who's kids are spending >10 minutes together, basically with noses touches, unmasked, on a stranger's front porch? The answer is NO ONE'S KIDS are doing that. It doesn't even happen during regular, non-chinavirus Halloween.
Trick-or-treating banned in Springfield, MA
"Social distancing cannot be guaranteed on front porches." Are you fukcing kidding me? It easily can be. Furthermore, kids don't spread the virus very readily, and the latest definition of an exposure event is being within 6' of a confirmed case for greater than 10 consecutive minutes without masks. Yeah, that's real motherfukcing difficult to avoid. Who's kids are spending >10 minutes together, basically with noses touches, unmasked, on a stranger's front porch? The answer is NO ONE'S KIDS are doing that. It doesn't even happen during regular, non-chinavirus Halloween.