Lots of stuff last week, impeachment, polls, Debate, Signing day, etc.
1. First off, it's that time of year, the Christmas time. Now lets do some offending of people. I have always thought that I cannot believe Joseph. First off, he is waiting to marry this girl, hasn't bed her and then she shows up pregnant. How many guys are like, that's cool, I will marry her and bed her after someone else's baby wrecks her vag. Generally the only guys I could see being ok with this would be the ones with no confidence and that were not on the same level as good ole Mary. So I understand an angel visited him, that's convenient, but now you learn that not only are you stuck with someone else's child, it is the most important child of all time. I'm not taking that job. Everyone would be like, peace out, put this responsibility on someone else, and go find some fresh poon. My guess is that Angel had to make some serious declarations to good ole boy Joseph about his afterlife. Now some people like to claim that Mary never lost her virginity, because scripture never said she did. This I cannot believe. Joseph doesn't get to tap it first or later? I mean I guess I understand that Joseph felt a little bit shy since he knew that his sex would never measure up to the holy spirit's.
This past week, I watched a play put on at the catholic school by the pre-schoolers and in that play, Joseph ran off after Mary got her baby. Probably the most accurate depiction of the situation ever. I laughed my butt off at that play. Young kids plays are the best to go to for the lack of predictability. I almost missed it because it was during work day, but I went and am so happy I did. My friend didn't get to go and her son who is a 4 year old was pissed. For those out there who have kids, you know, it really does matter if you are there to your kids, even if it is a 10 min or so play with some singing. My son was a lead Sheppard and he got in a fight on stage with the North Star.
2. Mizzou wins bragging rights. I was happy they won, but honestly, I haven't paid much attention to basketball after they lost to the 300th ranked team.
3. Trump gets impeached. We knew it was coming. Does Trump do some shady stuff? Absolutely. If we are going to start policing/punishing our politicians for being shady and doing shady stuff, I am all for it. But as history has shown us and will continue to show us, we will never punish wrong doers in our party unless their wrongdoing is so egregious that it will harm us too. Trump's won, so GOP will stand by him. Dems would do the same thing. There is still a governor of Virginia who dressed in a klan outfit or in blackface with someone in a klan outfit. Pelosi's move on holding onto the Articles for now is her best move. She doesn't want the Senate to "acquit" him. She doesn't want McConnell to hold the hearings and hold back the Dem Senators who are campaigning. The articles of impeachment bad press will have to linger. It is a good strategic move by her. Plus, as we can see, everyone is exhausted with impeachment already and the momentum is moving in GOP direction, so holding off is probably a good idea.
4. Holiday traditions. Historically my family does a few, but honestly, they are limited because we live in Texas and all of our family are elsewhere. We do go to the neighbors to celebrate one night of Hanukkah every year, the kids love it. We go to Christmas Eve mass, where my kids are in a play at church there too. Then on the day after Christmas, we pack up, and head to Missouri to see family for a few days. It is a slog.
5. 2020 update. I didn't watch the debate, but I thought this statement was phenomenal
I cannot find Yang's opening statement, but states that 4 million manufacturing jobs have been lost in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, which are the 3 states that swung the election for Donald Trump, DING DING DING. He is 100% right.
With all that said, Biden continues to hold a really strong lead and I expect him to be the nomination. I wish I had bet it when Warren surged.
1. First off, it's that time of year, the Christmas time. Now lets do some offending of people. I have always thought that I cannot believe Joseph. First off, he is waiting to marry this girl, hasn't bed her and then she shows up pregnant. How many guys are like, that's cool, I will marry her and bed her after someone else's baby wrecks her vag. Generally the only guys I could see being ok with this would be the ones with no confidence and that were not on the same level as good ole Mary. So I understand an angel visited him, that's convenient, but now you learn that not only are you stuck with someone else's child, it is the most important child of all time. I'm not taking that job. Everyone would be like, peace out, put this responsibility on someone else, and go find some fresh poon. My guess is that Angel had to make some serious declarations to good ole boy Joseph about his afterlife. Now some people like to claim that Mary never lost her virginity, because scripture never said she did. This I cannot believe. Joseph doesn't get to tap it first or later? I mean I guess I understand that Joseph felt a little bit shy since he knew that his sex would never measure up to the holy spirit's.
This past week, I watched a play put on at the catholic school by the pre-schoolers and in that play, Joseph ran off after Mary got her baby. Probably the most accurate depiction of the situation ever. I laughed my butt off at that play. Young kids plays are the best to go to for the lack of predictability. I almost missed it because it was during work day, but I went and am so happy I did. My friend didn't get to go and her son who is a 4 year old was pissed. For those out there who have kids, you know, it really does matter if you are there to your kids, even if it is a 10 min or so play with some singing. My son was a lead Sheppard and he got in a fight on stage with the North Star.
2. Mizzou wins bragging rights. I was happy they won, but honestly, I haven't paid much attention to basketball after they lost to the 300th ranked team.
3. Trump gets impeached. We knew it was coming. Does Trump do some shady stuff? Absolutely. If we are going to start policing/punishing our politicians for being shady and doing shady stuff, I am all for it. But as history has shown us and will continue to show us, we will never punish wrong doers in our party unless their wrongdoing is so egregious that it will harm us too. Trump's won, so GOP will stand by him. Dems would do the same thing. There is still a governor of Virginia who dressed in a klan outfit or in blackface with someone in a klan outfit. Pelosi's move on holding onto the Articles for now is her best move. She doesn't want the Senate to "acquit" him. She doesn't want McConnell to hold the hearings and hold back the Dem Senators who are campaigning. The articles of impeachment bad press will have to linger. It is a good strategic move by her. Plus, as we can see, everyone is exhausted with impeachment already and the momentum is moving in GOP direction, so holding off is probably a good idea.
4. Holiday traditions. Historically my family does a few, but honestly, they are limited because we live in Texas and all of our family are elsewhere. We do go to the neighbors to celebrate one night of Hanukkah every year, the kids love it. We go to Christmas Eve mass, where my kids are in a play at church there too. Then on the day after Christmas, we pack up, and head to Missouri to see family for a few days. It is a slog.
5. 2020 update. I didn't watch the debate, but I thought this statement was phenomenal
I cannot find Yang's opening statement, but states that 4 million manufacturing jobs have been lost in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, which are the 3 states that swung the election for Donald Trump, DING DING DING. He is 100% right.
With all that said, Biden continues to hold a really strong lead and I expect him to be the nomination. I wish I had bet it when Warren surged.