Months ago the courts ruled to reinstate Trumps Return to Mexico Policy. Brandon said he would but needed to make another deal with Mexico which he slow played. Last week he said he would reinstate the policy. Now Brandon wants to take it to the Supreme Court.
Liberals are fine with record numbers of unvaccinated, uneducated, 3rd worlders illegality crossing the border to suck off of our social programs, and bring record amounts of drugs and crime. As things go to shiit the liberals answer will be more big government and they will have imported enough people to vote for them. Biden is for anything that hurts America.
Liberals are fine with record numbers of unvaccinated, uneducated, 3rd worlders illegality crossing the border to suck off of our social programs, and bring record amounts of drugs and crime. As things go to shiit the liberals answer will be more big government and they will have imported enough people to vote for them. Biden is for anything that hurts America.