The emails came out some time ago. The timeline and players in this summary show how desperate Fauci was when he heard from a virologist that it appeared the virus came from a lab. The wee hours of the morning spent his time sending a scientific article showing the NIH funded bat lady’s gain of function research on coronavirus to a colleague that got grants from his nih and set up meetings. Curiously he never discussed these matters with anyone in the administration. But staying up still later obviously fretting about CYA at 4 am he is sending an article he found claiming lab leak was unlikely to a government official in the health department.
The emails following meetings were blacked out. However the same virologist that sent him the lab origin most likely email was part of a group of other virologists who received nih grants, were recruited by Daszak, the go between for Fauci NIH money and wuhan lab to write a piece claiming that a lab leak was impossible. Daszak in an email had said he didn’t want his name on the article because it would look self serving.
They wrote the article and sent it to Fauci to edit so the truth could be hidden.
Then Fauci used the article he sought and edited to quote from. At no point did Fauci admit his role in the dishonest overup.
Even WHO today who had Daszak doing the “investigation “ of lab leak admitted they really didn’t investigate. Biggest fraud ever perpetrated.
The emails following meetings were blacked out. However the same virologist that sent him the lab origin most likely email was part of a group of other virologists who received nih grants, were recruited by Daszak, the go between for Fauci NIH money and wuhan lab to write a piece claiming that a lab leak was impossible. Daszak in an email had said he didn’t want his name on the article because it would look self serving.
They wrote the article and sent it to Fauci to edit so the truth could be hidden.
Then Fauci used the article he sought and edited to quote from. At no point did Fauci admit his role in the dishonest overup.
Even WHO today who had Daszak doing the “investigation “ of lab leak admitted they really didn’t investigate. Biggest fraud ever perpetrated.
Dr. Fauci's Emails Tell The Story Of Panic, Lies, And A Possible Cover-Up
Fauci knew COVID-19 likely came from the Wuhan lab. He knew the virus “looked engineered." And he knew all this on February 1, 2020.