I've never actually followed anyone on social media and I have all notifications turned off except for my YouTube subscriptions for new videos posted. Today changed everything. It appears O.J. Simpson has joined Twitter, and dude came in with much attitude. I'm about 1,000 replies into the thread and have almost pissed myself laughing no less than 20 times at the brutally hilarious responses. I still have my suspicions that this is a fake account, but the video is definitely of him and, so far, I don't think anyone has debunked it as fake. The account is not yet verified, but USA Today has reported that it's him. Grab several beers or whatever and settle in, folks.
Of course Twitter is not allowing it to appear on their trending page because fukc that place. He's got 300,000 followers in fewer than 16 hours and his single tweet has 69k likes, 22k retweets, and over 18k replies. GMAFB Twitter.
Anyway, post your favorite responses to his thread below.
Edit: Fox, WaPo, Hollywood Reporter, ESPN, E!, and essentially every major network is now reporting it as legit.
Edit #2: OJ confirmed the account to the Associated Press and told them, "It's going to be a lot of fun. I've got some things to straighten out."
Of course Twitter is not allowing it to appear on their trending page because fukc that place. He's got 300,000 followers in fewer than 16 hours and his single tweet has 69k likes, 22k retweets, and over 18k replies. GMAFB Twitter.
Anyway, post your favorite responses to his thread below.
Edit: Fox, WaPo, Hollywood Reporter, ESPN, E!, and essentially every major network is now reporting it as legit.
Edit #2: OJ confirmed the account to the Associated Press and told them, "It's going to be a lot of fun. I've got some things to straighten out."