Last night at the StL Tiger Club event, Lindsay Cunningham (without actually saying her name) relayed a story that Odom took time on the weekend of Aijha Blackwells visit to pull her aside for an hour and show her video of her father playing football at Mizzou and told her she is family and she has to come to Mizzou. Lindsay believes this effort made a bigger impression on Ms Blackwell than just about anything else and gives him big props for getting her commitment.
Also, Howard Richards and other former football players are very impressed with the outreach to former players happening now vs previous years and believe Odom is doing a good job as HC. They all agree Odom and staff have made the mistakes we have discussed on the board extensively, but reminded a few of us afterwards that Odom is only in year 3 and spoke of how much coaches learn every year through experience. HR and others are confident Odom and the staff will learn from these mistakes and grow as a result
Also, Howard Richards and other former football players are very impressed with the outreach to former players happening now vs previous years and believe Odom is doing a good job as HC. They all agree Odom and staff have made the mistakes we have discussed on the board extensively, but reminded a few of us afterwards that Odom is only in year 3 and spoke of how much coaches learn every year through experience. HR and others are confident Odom and the staff will learn from these mistakes and grow as a result