Source: basic facts from American History
1840-1965: Democrats were the party of slavery, secession in support of slavery, and Jim Crow
1950-1980: Amongst Democratic Party leaders were segregationist Senators/Governors Eastland, Stennis, Long, Russell, Talmadge, Byrd Sr., Byrd Jr., Barnett, Wallace, Maddux, Faubus, Ellender, Johnston, Byrnes, Shivers, and Wright; none of these men ever “switched” to the Republican Party; Strom Thurmond was the only segregationist governor/senator who switched to
the Republican Party while he was in office.
1951: With a Democratic majority in both houses of Congress, Truman “enacted” racially discriminatory (Black/Hispanic) college
student deferments from service in the Korean War
1956: 99 Democrats and 2 Republicans signed the segregationist Southern Manifesto
1965-1966: With a Democratic supermajority in both houses of Congress, LBJ “enacted” the Great Society and sent a disproportionate number of “non college deferred” Blacks/Hispanics to die in Vietnam
1965-2023: Democrats were the party of mayors/administrators in the overwhelming majority of U.S. major urban areas
1970-2023: In the environment of the Great Society/50+ years of Democratic rule in major urban areas, there was:
1840-1965: Democrats were the party of slavery, secession in support of slavery, and Jim Crow
1950-1980: Amongst Democratic Party leaders were segregationist Senators/Governors Eastland, Stennis, Long, Russell, Talmadge, Byrd Sr., Byrd Jr., Barnett, Wallace, Maddux, Faubus, Ellender, Johnston, Byrnes, Shivers, and Wright; none of these men ever “switched” to the Republican Party; Strom Thurmond was the only segregationist governor/senator who switched to
the Republican Party while he was in office.
1951: With a Democratic majority in both houses of Congress, Truman “enacted” racially discriminatory (Black/Hispanic) college
student deferments from service in the Korean War
1956: 99 Democrats and 2 Republicans signed the segregationist Southern Manifesto
1965-1966: With a Democratic supermajority in both houses of Congress, LBJ “enacted” the Great Society and sent a disproportionate number of “non college deferred” Blacks/Hispanics to die in Vietnam
1965-2023: Democrats were the party of mayors/administrators in the overwhelming majority of U.S. major urban areas
1970-2023: In the environment of the Great Society/50+ years of Democratic rule in major urban areas, there was:
- an end to 100 years of substantial narrowing/improvement in the wealth gap between Blacks/Whites
- at least a doubling in the percentage of Black single parent families in urban areas
- in 2023, urban Blacks were similarly disproportionately exposed to poverty, unemployment, crime, drugs, poor education systems, single parent families, and lack of opportunity for upward mobility, as was the case in 1970