BIG10 cancelled season.
The NCAA has allowed players to receive payment for their image and likeness, but rules don't got into affect until Jan 2021
The SEC needs a Conf Call with Team captains and coaches. Allow the SEC players to form a Union for 10 contract year (it will be permanent), but the teams allow the SEC to negotiate TV contracts for 2021-2030 to pay the players directly as a group for their image and likeness for an amount above existing current contracts. (Doesn't violate NCAA amateur rules). Kids will have to sign waivers in exchange for this money. Agree to all the protocols, etc. Allow players to transfer in and increase scholarship amount for this season because kids will need to be out for quarantine.
If there is no BIG or Pac12 Football, then there is an absolutely TON of money on the table for those who play. I would say Double what the SEC currently gets. The SEC schools are in states that are less likely to close down. The PAC doesn't have that luxury and the BIG doesn't really either. The ACC has that for half the teams. The Big12 has it for all the teams. So games could be set up with Big12. I would argue that you should have no more than 10 games. Allow flexibility for scheduling.
If the SEC does this, they OWN college football forever. The SEC has so much leverage right now.
This can be done.
The NCAA has allowed players to receive payment for their image and likeness, but rules don't got into affect until Jan 2021
The SEC needs a Conf Call with Team captains and coaches. Allow the SEC players to form a Union for 10 contract year (it will be permanent), but the teams allow the SEC to negotiate TV contracts for 2021-2030 to pay the players directly as a group for their image and likeness for an amount above existing current contracts. (Doesn't violate NCAA amateur rules). Kids will have to sign waivers in exchange for this money. Agree to all the protocols, etc. Allow players to transfer in and increase scholarship amount for this season because kids will need to be out for quarantine.
If there is no BIG or Pac12 Football, then there is an absolutely TON of money on the table for those who play. I would say Double what the SEC currently gets. The SEC schools are in states that are less likely to close down. The PAC doesn't have that luxury and the BIG doesn't really either. The ACC has that for half the teams. The Big12 has it for all the teams. So games could be set up with Big12. I would argue that you should have no more than 10 games. Allow flexibility for scheduling.
If the SEC does this, they OWN college football forever. The SEC has so much leverage right now.
This can be done.