I don't know what Chiefs o-line dolt it was that decided the thing to do was to rip his RB's helmet off, but Harrison was all over it. He did a little pirouette to fake being off balance, but it was 100% about kicking Williams in the head. I wasn't surprised that he got away with it during the game but thought it would have come up after the fact.
From the moment Foles went down, Jacksonville was taking every cheap shot they could. It's no accident at all that Mahomes and Hill were hurt.
I never rejoice in a player being hurt, except when said player is going out of his way to hurt other players. Didn't mind at all seeing Harrison's own teammate leg-whip the shit out of him. If it ended his career, the NFL would be better for it.
From the moment Foles went down, Jacksonville was taking every cheap shot they could. It's no accident at all that Mahomes and Hill were hurt.
I never rejoice in a player being hurt, except when said player is going out of his way to hurt other players. Didn't mind at all seeing Harrison's own teammate leg-whip the shit out of him. If it ended his career, the NFL would be better for it.