is watching the TV series Mr. Robot on the USA network? It is the weirdest show I have seen in a long, long time. Actually, I am not watching it, but I pass by the TV sometimes when she has it on, and I stop for a few minutes to see what's going on. The show is so bizarre. Any of you watch it? And, yes that is Oscar winning Best Actor Rami Malek in the starring role in the series.
Tonight, my wife watched the final episode of season 3 [Warning: spoiler alert if you haven't seen it and you plan to] in which one, bad dude puts a splitting maul into the chest of an FBI double agent, then into his head and then bludgeons the rest of his body, while another FBI soon-to-be double agent is forced to watch. Bright red must have been the color of the day for the director of the show.
Now, I happened to have a splitting maul in the garage. Normally, I figure my wife wouldn't know what to do with the maul, she is a city girl, and I'm pretty sure she would have trouble lifting it over her head. But, what if I'm sleeping peacefully one night and she had all the time in the world to lift it high over her head. Naw, she wouldn't...would she? Should I be worried that my wife is watching Mr. Robot? Gabe, if I suddenly disappear from the board, please notify the major crimes division of the Connecticut State Police. Remember, it was in Connecticut that some guy put a wood chipper to very gruesome use many years ago. Just sayin'.
[This is all in jest of course, do not bother the CT State Police.]
Tonight, my wife watched the final episode of season 3 [Warning: spoiler alert if you haven't seen it and you plan to] in which one, bad dude puts a splitting maul into the chest of an FBI double agent, then into his head and then bludgeons the rest of his body, while another FBI soon-to-be double agent is forced to watch. Bright red must have been the color of the day for the director of the show.
Now, I happened to have a splitting maul in the garage. Normally, I figure my wife wouldn't know what to do with the maul, she is a city girl, and I'm pretty sure she would have trouble lifting it over her head. But, what if I'm sleeping peacefully one night and she had all the time in the world to lift it high over her head. Naw, she wouldn't...would she? Should I be worried that my wife is watching Mr. Robot? Gabe, if I suddenly disappear from the board, please notify the major crimes division of the Connecticut State Police. Remember, it was in Connecticut that some guy put a wood chipper to very gruesome use many years ago. Just sayin'.
[This is all in jest of course, do not bother the CT State Police.]