Pretty sad how bad the world has gotten we live in. This site is becoming just that. So many tools in here that are beyond negative. Gabe and crew bust their ass daily for us. And look how most of you act towards them. Because Gabe didn’t get the scoop on our new DC and a few of you dbags are all over him. I’m an insider and I never got his name once. It was so hush hush!
Why can’t you be appreciative of all the good that Gabe and crew does. I know I look forward to all the news they bust their butt for daily.
This site has gotten so negative. Go ahead and flame away.. this post will bring out the dbags like usual I am sure. But just maybe some of ya will stop and think how lucky we are to have a staff that brings us the breaking news as fast as anyone. If you don’t like it. Leave the site! Let us die hards enjoy this site.
Thank you Gabe and your staff for all you do. It is much appreciated by some of us !
Why can’t you be appreciative of all the good that Gabe and crew does. I know I look forward to all the news they bust their butt for daily.
This site has gotten so negative. Go ahead and flame away.. this post will bring out the dbags like usual I am sure. But just maybe some of ya will stop and think how lucky we are to have a staff that brings us the breaking news as fast as anyone. If you don’t like it. Leave the site! Let us die hards enjoy this site.
Thank you Gabe and your staff for all you do. It is much appreciated by some of us !