As much as I personally dislike the Chiefs, I've always known & respected that the ppl of Kansas City are BIG-TIME fans of their team... So it thru me for a loop that there were so many fans of EVERY OTHER TEAM IN THE LEAGUE at the Draft... Like, they have giant clusters of them and it didn't make sense... I'm sure not every person that lives in KC is a Chiefs fan, but I can't imagine there are that many Seattle Seahawks fans in KC or that that many ppl from Seattle (or insert team here) that drove to KC for the draft... and DEFINITELY not for the second & third round of the Draft.
Plus, these ppl are acting like maniacs whenever "they're" team makes a pick... I just watched the NY Giants fans there go crazy over some offensive lineman they picked from Minnesota... Ain't no way in hell, real NY Giants are that excited over taking an offensive lineman in the 2nd round... These ppl have to be hired actors, right?... And it happens on EVERY pick for EVERY team... There's no way this is real, right?
Plus, these ppl are acting like maniacs whenever "they're" team makes a pick... I just watched the NY Giants fans there go crazy over some offensive lineman they picked from Minnesota... Ain't no way in hell, real NY Giants are that excited over taking an offensive lineman in the 2nd round... These ppl have to be hired actors, right?... And it happens on EVERY pick for EVERY team... There's no way this is real, right?