Let’s see how long we can keep a thread going that is apolitical and brings something Mike Alden (neutral to positive) to the OT.
While perusing Threads, a time lapse video of boats in Wisconsin pushing the Forty Acre Bog caught my eye.
The gist of it is as follows:
Lake Chippewa is the third largest lake in Wisconsin and is a man made lake, built overtop what was swamp land.
Over time, the flooded swamp bog floated to the top of the lake and birds and wind did their job, distributing seeds of grasses and trees onto the bogs. The grasses and trees allowed the bogs to continue to grow, and now the lake is smattered with floating bog islands of various sizes. The largest island is Forty Acre Bog, and every year the bog is pushed by wind toward the bridge in the video, until eventually the locals all get in their boats and push the bog back out into the lake.
While perusing Threads, a time lapse video of boats in Wisconsin pushing the Forty Acre Bog caught my eye.
The gist of it is as follows:
Lake Chippewa is the third largest lake in Wisconsin and is a man made lake, built overtop what was swamp land.
Over time, the flooded swamp bog floated to the top of the lake and birds and wind did their job, distributing seeds of grasses and trees onto the bogs. The grasses and trees allowed the bogs to continue to grow, and now the lake is smattered with floating bog islands of various sizes. The largest island is Forty Acre Bog, and every year the bog is pushed by wind toward the bridge in the video, until eventually the locals all get in their boats and push the bog back out into the lake.

Lake Chippewa’s floating island that has to be boat-pushed every year
Lake Chippewa, also known as Chippewa Flowage, is Wisconsin’s third-largest lake and home to some peculiar “floating islands”. As for the lake’s history, it wa...

The Story about Bogs - Chippewa Flowage - Lake Chippewa Flowage Resort Association
Much of the land that was covered by the damming of the West Fork of the Chippewa River in 1923 was wetlands – peat bogs.