Just a quick drive by to the OT. Will read the board for a few days then out.
Have just returned a few days ago from 3.5 months in China finishing up my business transaction and new firm integration. I realize many on here passionately hate the Chinese and I understand that logic but my experiences are the citizens of China are very kind and respectful. When it comes to their Govt the affection goes away. However, I find our Govt as manipulating and deceitful as any other 3rd world country (incl. China).
I haven't read a lot of Western news as I normally would have but suspect without digging into that Biden has commenced on the proverbial flush of the US as we knew it. The inflation I see on products shipping from China to Western countries is higher than in 2008 (hint: before the last crash). The supply chain shipping problems are a big issue for them as well. Investing in Equities makes no since to me anymore.
A few comments openly discussed and consistent in message, in China, by citizens that might or might not be clear in the US:
(1) COVID-19 escaped out of a Wuhan lab, however none of the citizens believe it was intentionally released. It was an accident. No one knows how many died but know the Gov't will never tell either. They expect pressure from certain Govt's to compensate for the disaster caused from the China flu. Pressure is one thing, doing anything about it is another.
(2) Most people I talked with were shocked when the US citizens replaced Trump with that 'old guy'. Citizens viewed Trump as 'too strong' but knowing his moves were to help the US stay on top of the worlds economies. 100% of the citizens believe the change in POTUS is nothing but a positive for China - not the US. They believe Biden can be manipulated and they know 'image' drives US policy under this administration, even if it is wrong for America's benefit.
(3) Taiwan & China is going to be a problem sooner than later.
(4) Internally they don't seem updated on China's push into the South China Sea and what that might mean to WW trade.
(5) China's growth has caused severe inflation in wages, housing, food and such. The result of an advancing society.
Bottom-line to understand the Chinese citizens -- in one's life-time the average semi-educated citizen has seen their wealth (pay and property ownership) increase at a rate never seen in the history of the planet. A manager of mine I've known since the early-90's, was first hired @ $4,000/yr salary now makes over $200,000/yr for GE. This is what local mid-level managers make for large multinationals. Even if they do not agree with their Gov'ts actions they say, who am I to argue the results whether I agree on their methods or not?
Have just returned a few days ago from 3.5 months in China finishing up my business transaction and new firm integration. I realize many on here passionately hate the Chinese and I understand that logic but my experiences are the citizens of China are very kind and respectful. When it comes to their Govt the affection goes away. However, I find our Govt as manipulating and deceitful as any other 3rd world country (incl. China).
I haven't read a lot of Western news as I normally would have but suspect without digging into that Biden has commenced on the proverbial flush of the US as we knew it. The inflation I see on products shipping from China to Western countries is higher than in 2008 (hint: before the last crash). The supply chain shipping problems are a big issue for them as well. Investing in Equities makes no since to me anymore.
A few comments openly discussed and consistent in message, in China, by citizens that might or might not be clear in the US:
(1) COVID-19 escaped out of a Wuhan lab, however none of the citizens believe it was intentionally released. It was an accident. No one knows how many died but know the Gov't will never tell either. They expect pressure from certain Govt's to compensate for the disaster caused from the China flu. Pressure is one thing, doing anything about it is another.
(2) Most people I talked with were shocked when the US citizens replaced Trump with that 'old guy'. Citizens viewed Trump as 'too strong' but knowing his moves were to help the US stay on top of the worlds economies. 100% of the citizens believe the change in POTUS is nothing but a positive for China - not the US. They believe Biden can be manipulated and they know 'image' drives US policy under this administration, even if it is wrong for America's benefit.
(3) Taiwan & China is going to be a problem sooner than later.
(4) Internally they don't seem updated on China's push into the South China Sea and what that might mean to WW trade.
(5) China's growth has caused severe inflation in wages, housing, food and such. The result of an advancing society.
Bottom-line to understand the Chinese citizens -- in one's life-time the average semi-educated citizen has seen their wealth (pay and property ownership) increase at a rate never seen in the history of the planet. A manager of mine I've known since the early-90's, was first hired @ $4,000/yr salary now makes over $200,000/yr for GE. This is what local mid-level managers make for large multinationals. Even if they do not agree with their Gov'ts actions they say, who am I to argue the results whether I agree on their methods or not?