Man at Fox Town Hall Busts Bloomberg for Pushing Gun Control When He Has Armed Security, ‘Does Your Life Matter More Than Mine?’
Mini Mike replies, “Look, I probably get 40 or 50 threats every week, ok, and some of them are real,” Bloomberg responded.”That just happens when you are the mayor of New York City or you are very wealthy, and if you are campaigning for the president of the United States you get lots of threats.”
Poor and non-elected people don't face any threats??? GMAFB
Then Mini Mike flat lies. He wants a lot more than his reply below. A discussing rich hypocrite and liar.
“Let me talk about firearms for a second,” he continued. “The Second Amendment gives you the right to bear arms. Nobody suggests that we’re gonna change the Constitution, even if you wanted to I don’t think you’d get it done, so nobody’s gonna take your right to bear arms. The Supreme Court said you can have reasonable restrictions. The only restrictions which I’m in favor of is to prevent us from selling guns to people with psychiatric problems, criminals or people that are minors.”
Man at Fox Town Hall Busts Bloomberg for Pushing Gun Control When He Has Armed Security, ‘Does Your Life Matter More Than Mine?’
Mini Mike replies, “Look, I probably get 40 or 50 threats every week, ok, and some of them are real,” Bloomberg responded.”That just happens when you are the mayor of New York City or you are very wealthy, and if you are campaigning for the president of the United States you get lots of threats.”
Poor and non-elected people don't face any threats??? GMAFB
Then Mini Mike flat lies. He wants a lot more than his reply below. A discussing rich hypocrite and liar.
“Let me talk about firearms for a second,” he continued. “The Second Amendment gives you the right to bear arms. Nobody suggests that we’re gonna change the Constitution, even if you wanted to I don’t think you’d get it done, so nobody’s gonna take your right to bear arms. The Supreme Court said you can have reasonable restrictions. The only restrictions which I’m in favor of is to prevent us from selling guns to people with psychiatric problems, criminals or people that are minors.”