WealthTrust would like to extend an offer for PowerMizzou members to attend a zoom meeting, link attached, for Saturday at 11:00 AM.
The main subject will be how we utilize our Trend Analysis Methodolgy to reduce risk in our strategies, during market selloffs. 90% of a portfolio's return is based on being in the right asset classes at the appropriate times, even if that asset class is cash.
Meeting ID: 849 2539 5172
Passcode: 100226
*So the main part of the Rumor Mill today is that the hot board has been updated. We feel pretty good about the overall accuracy of it. But as always, we have to state, nobody from Missouri is sharing the list with us. This is a best estimate of everything we've been able to put together based on common sense and what we've heard. I think it's a good guideline to what's going on, but there can always be surprises.
*Had a source tell me there is Mizzou interest in Seton Hall coach Kevin Willard. The Pirates play the last game of the first round at 8:57 pm Friday against TCU. If they win, they'll play again Sunday. There are two things here that should be said:
1) I am of the belief that there is something Missouri is looking at/chasing/hoping for that involves a coach in the NCAA Tournament. I've always thought that. Any of the five guys we have as "leaders" would be decent hires, but I don't think they're the five guys that start the search at the top of your list. I have to believe there's another bigger name out there that Missouri at least is gauging interest on. Willard would fit into that mold. In other words, if he's your guy, you don't move on to others completely until you know his answer.
2) I do not believe Missouri will be able to hire Willard. I've got a couple of sources that are familiar with him telling me this isn't a job he'd leave Seton Hall for even if he wants to leave Seton Hall. The view of these people is that if he listens, he's either doing it to get a raise out of Seton Hall or to leverage a job he wants more like Maryland. If I'm wrong, I'll own that, but that's my info as of now.
*Also had someone tell me they do not believe Missouri will ultimately hire an assistant. Jerome Tang is on the list and is a person of interest, but ultimately the belief is that Missouri is going to hire someone who has been a head coach before...even if that's only for a year.
*Was told Dennis Gates' name has popped up in the search at South Carolina. This is not a surprise. I wouldn't be shocked if he's at least on the list at Florida as well. Missouri is a better job than South Carolina, but it's not as good as Florida. However, Gates is also a Chicago native so even though he was in Tallahassee for eight years, his roots make a little more geographic sense with Missouri. I have no idea obviously if he'll end up being the top choice at any of those places, but he is at least a person of interest with the Gamecocks.
*I expect the next two days to be quiet on the search. That doesn't mean nothing will happen. But as far as significant developments, I don't think we're going to know much more on Saturday morning than we do now. Where it goes from there depends on who wins and loses in the next couple of days. The earliest possible day I think we could see news break on who Missouri is going to hire is Sunday...and I honestly think it will be later than that. I think we're looking at some time next week as the most likely time frame. One thing that could change that is a name Missouri wants making a surprise run to the Sweet 16 and delaying their ability to do a full interview with that person until at least next weekend.
As always, if we hear more, we'll pass it on.
Another note: Matt McMahon is being listed as a possibility to replace Ben Howland at Mississippi State when that expected parting becomes official.
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